



hugo是spf13的开源作品,目前任职于google,对他最早的印象是使用他的vim-spf13配置,后来又接触到他的cobra、plfag、viper... 为golang的生态完善做了很大贡献,致敬!




  • 具体过程此处不表。注意是安装hugo_extended的版本。

  • 如果要编译成html,部署到webserver上,还需要安装nodejs 12+。



  • 支持树形目录
  • 国际化
  • 搜索功能
  • 移动端自适应适配
  • 标签分类
  • 全站打印
  • 文档版本化
  • 用户反馈等


git clone https://github.com/google/docsy-example.git


cd docsy-example && git submodule update --init --recursive


hugo server



➜  docsy-example git:(master)  tree -L 1
├── assets # 静态资源
├── config.toml # 站点的配置文件:主题选择、名称、链接、页面分析、markdown解析引擎...
├── content # 站点内容:顶层导航,左侧树形章节
├── deploy.sh
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── layouts # 可覆盖主题的默认布局,添加自定义页面布局
├── netlify.toml
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── resources
└── themes # Docsy主题的目录,hugo推荐的存放路径


  • 修改主题的页面布局

    • 大部分内容可以通过修改根目录的config.toml的文件来实现
    • 不能通过上条实现的,也不建议直接修改themes目录下的内容,copy到在根目录同样的相对路径上再修改,会覆盖默认主题相关的实现。
  • docsy主题默认提供了3种版面布局, 分别在content目录下,写markdown文件,不同目录按照各自类型风格渲染。

    • docs技术文档类的布局
    • blog博客类的布局
    • community社区相关介绍的布局
  • docs的目录章节可以任意分级,目录下的_index.md或者_index.html为该章、节的首页描述。

  • 根目录运行如下命令可编译最终html,可能会提示POSTCSS编译失败,需要根目录运行npm install安装依赖。

    rm -rf public/ && HUGO_ENV="production" hugo --gc || exit 1
  • 站点内搜索功能依赖编译后的json文件,需要上一步才能使用。

  • 关于config.toml配置的解读(最新注释说明,可查看本站的原件)。

    # 站点的访问地址,本地预览时(hugo server)可忽悠
    baseURL = "https://xiaoping378.github.io"
    # 站点title,会被多语言里的设置覆盖
    # title = "小平栈"
    # 是否生成robots文件
    enableRobotsTXT = true
    # 主题选择,支持组合,优先级从左到右.
    theme = ["docsy"]
    # 页面上提供类似"最后修改"的信息
    enableGitInfo = true
    # 国际化相关设置
    # 默认语言的的站点内容路径
    contentDir = "content"
    # 默认语言
    defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
    # 国际化翻译中,如果有缺失是否用占位符显示
    enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders = true
    # 注释后,可以开启标签分类功能
    # disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "taxonomyTerm"]
    # set taxonomyCloud = [] to hide taxonomy clouds
    taxonomyCloud = ["tags"] 
    # If used, must have same lang as taxonomyCloud
    taxonomyCloudTitle = ["标签"] 
    # set taxonomyPageHeader = [] to hide taxonomies on the page headers
    taxonomyPageHeader = ["tags"] 
    # 代码块高亮配置
    pygmentsCodeFences = true
    pygmentsUseClasses = false
    # Use the new Chroma Go highlighter in Hugo.
    pygmentsUseClassic = false
    #pygmentsOptions = "linenos=table"
    # See https://help.farbox.com/pygments.html
    pygmentsStyle = "emacs"
    # 配置blog编译产物的路径.
    blog = "/:section/:year/:month/:day/:slug/"
    # markdown渲染引擎配置: https://github.com/russross/blackfriday
    # [blackfriday]
    # plainIDAnchors = true
    # hrefTargetBlank = true
    # angledQuotes = false
    # latexDashes = true
    # 图片引擎处理: https://github.com/disintegration/imaging
    resampleFilter = "CatmullRom"
    quality = 75
    anchor = "smart"
    # [services]
    # [services.googleAnalytics]
    # # Comment out the next line to disable GA tracking. Also disables the feature described in [params.ui.feedback].
    # id = "UA-00000000-0"
    # Language configuration
    title = "现代技能栈"
    description = "小平-所思所为"
    languageName = "中文"
    # 用于多语言排序,越小越靠上。
    weight = 1
    # markdown的解析设置,抄的k8s 文档设置...
        definitionList = true
        table = true
        typographer = false
        attribute = true
        autoHeadingID = true
        autoHeadingIDType = "blackfriday"
        unsafe = true
        codeFences = true
        guessSyntax = false
        hl_Lines = ""
        lineNoStart = 1
        lineNos = false
        lineNumbersInTable = true
        noClasses = true
        style = "emacs"
        tabWidth = 4
        endLevel = 3
        ordered = false
        startLevel = 2
    # Everything below this are Site Params
    # Comment out if you don't want the "print entire section" link enabled.
    section = ["HTML", "print", "RSS"]
    copyright = "xiaoping378"
    privacy_policy = "#"
    # First one is picked as the Twitter card image if not set on page.
    # images = ["images/project-illustration.png"]
    # Menu title if your navbar has a versions selector to access old versions of your site.
    # This menu appears only if you have at least one [params.versions] set.
    version_menu = "Releases"
    # Flag used in the "version-banner" partial to decide whether to display a 
    # banner on every page indicating that this is an archived version of the docs.
    # Set this flag to "true" if you want to display the banner.
    archived_version = false
    # The version number for the version of the docs represented in this doc set.
    # Used in the "version-banner" partial to display a version number for the 
    # current doc set.
    version = "0.0"
    # A link to latest version of the docs. Used in the "version-banner" partial to
    # point people to the main doc site.
    # url_latest_version = "https://example.com"
    # 方便用户反馈,提交技术文章问题的仓库地址
    github_repo = "https://github.com/xiaoping378/xiaoping378.github.io"
    # 技术站点背后的项目issue地址
    # github_project_repo = "https://github.com/xiaoping378/xiaoping378.github.io"
    # 以下三个是设置远程文档位置的,目前用不上,这里hack一下,不然“编辑此页”的功能会去链接到content/zh-cn下
    # Specify a value here if your content directory is not in your repo's root directory
    github_subdir = "/"
    # Uncomment this if you have a newer GitHub repo with "main" as the default branch,
    # or specify a new value if you want to reference another branch in your GitHub links
    # github_branch= "main"
    # 支持三种搜索,三选一,禁用google搜索,需要注释掉此处
    # gcs_engine_id = "d72aa9b2712488cc3"
    # Enable Algolia DocSearch
    algolia_docsearch = false
    # Enable Lunr.js offline search
    offlineSearch = false
    # 默认使用的Chroma代码高亮方案,可换成prism方案。
    prism_syntax_highlighting = false
    # User interface configuration
    #  是否禁用面包屑导航.
    breadcrumb_disable = false
    # 是否禁用底部About链接
    footer_about_disable = true
    # 是否展示项目logo,位置必须放置在 assets/icons/logo.svg
    navbar_logo = true
    # 在首页,上下滑动页面,顶部导航是否禁用半透明
    navbar_translucent_over_cover_disable = false
    # 左侧章节树形目录默认是否处于折叠状态
    sidebar_menu_compact = true
    # 左侧章节树形目录上是否不显示搜索框,前提是需要开启搜索功能
    sidebar_search_disable = false
    # 关闭了google分析,下面功能不会启用
    enable = true
    # The responses that the user sees after clicking "yes" (the page was helpful) or "no" (the page was not helpful).
    yes = 'Glad to hear it! Please <a href="https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY/issues/new">tell us how we can improve</a>.'
    no = 'Sorry to hear that. Please <a href="https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY/issues/new">tell us how we can improve</a>.'
    # 在文章上面显示“阅读时长:x分钟”
    enable = false
    # 社区community版面要用到的参数
    # End user relevant links. These will show up on left side of footer and in the community page if you have one.
      name = "个人邮箱 xiaoping378@163.com"
      url = "mailto:xiaoping378@163.com"
      icon = "fa fa-envelope"
      desc = "欢迎邮件交流"
      name ="微博"
      url = "https://weibo.com/xiaoping378"
      icon = "fab fa-weibo"
      desc = "个人微博,基本不用"
      name = "知乎"
      url = "https://www.zhihu.com/people/xiaoping378"
      icon = "fab fa-zhihu"
      desc = "知乎专栏"
    # Developer relevant links. These will show up on right side of footer and in the community page if you have one.
      name = "GitHub"
      url = "https://github.com/xiaoping378/xiaoping378.github.io"
      icon = "fab fa-github"
      desc = "文集开源地址!"
      name = "Slack"
      url = "https://example.org/slack"
      icon = "fab fa-slack"
      desc = "未开通"
      name = "Developer mailing list"
      url = "https://example.org/mail"
      icon = "fa fa-envelope"
      desc = "未开通"





最后修改 January 30, 2022: 添加terminal (2238cdb)